Yamawo A.*, Hagiwara T., Yoshida S., Ohno M., Nakajima R., Mori Y., Hayashi T., Yamagishi H., Shiojiri K.*
(2025)Interspecific variations in interplant communication and ecological characteristics in trees. Ecology and Evolution. 15: e70876.
Shinohara N.*, Nomiya R., Yamawo A.* (2024) A parasite plant promotes the coexistence of two annual plants. Ecology
Letters, https://doi.org/10.1111/ele.14554 (プレスリリース)
Yamawo A.*, Ohno M.* (2024) Joint evolution of mutualistic interactions, pollination, seed dispersal mutualism, and mycorrhizal symbiosis in trees. New Phytologist, 243:
1290-1292 (プレスリリース) Comment form
Dr. M.A. Sinnott-Armstrong、テラリウムインタヴュー記事など
Mizuki M.*, Yamawo A.*, Sasabe M.*, Ikeda H.* et al. (2024) Evolution of secondary metabolites, morphological structures
and associated gene expression patterns in galls induced by four closely related aphid species in a host plant species. Molecular Ecology, 33: e17466.(プレスリリース)東奥日報、赤旗新聞、Yahooニュースなど
Shinohara N.*, Kobayashi Y., Nishizawa K., Kadowaki K., Yamawo A. (2024) Plant–mycorrhizal associations may explain the latitudinal gradient of plant community assembly. Oikos,
Kodera T., Ohsaki H., Yamawo A.* (2024) Aphids increase their rate of survival on emergent aquatic plants through niche construction. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 37: 283-289.
Yamawo A.*, Mukai H. (2024) Wax on the surface of Phragmites australis leaves provides enemy-free space for the aphid Hyalopterus pruni. Biological Journal of the
Linnean Society, 142: 261-265.
Robinson ML.* et al. (Herbvar Network, including Yamawo A.) (2023) Plant size, latitude, and phylogeny explain variability in global herbivory. Science, 382: 679-683.
Nakazawa T.*, Katayama N., Utsumi S., Yamawo A. (2023) When to help juveniles, adults, or both: analyzing the evolutionary models of stage-structured mutualism. Frontiers in Ecology and
Evolution, 11: 1138138.
Yamawo A.*, Kyle T. (2023) Defence plasticity in the spiny plant Aralia elata (Miq.) Seem. in response to light and soil fertility. Annals of Botany,
131: 1073–1080.
Iwashita G., Yamawo A., Kondho H.* (2022) Predator discrimination of prey promotes the predator-mediated coexistence of prey species. Royal Society Open Science, 9: 220859
Ohsaki H.*, Miyamoto R., Sembongi Y., Tajima M., Sakamoto Y., Okuda K., Yamawo A.* (2022) Plant-plant interaction by Aster leiophyllus affects herbivory by Sika deer, Cervus
nippon. The Science of Nature, 109: 54 .
Ohsaki H.*,Yamawo A. (2022) Effects of indirect plant-plant interaction via root exudate on growth and leaf chemical contents in Rumex obtusifolius. Plant Signaling &
Behavior, 17: 2050628.
Mukai H.*, Takanashi T.,Yamawo A. (2022) Elaborate mating dances: multimodal courtship displays in jewel bugs. Ecology. Doi: doi.org/10.1002/ecy.3632. (プレスリリース)
Ohsaki H.*, Miyagi A., Kawai-Yamada M., Yamawo A.*(2021) Intraspecific interaction of host plants leads to concentrated distribution of a specialist herbivore through metabolic alterations in
the leaves. Functional Ecology, 36: 779-793. (プレスリリース) 産経新聞に取材いただきました。ありがとうございました。
Ohwada K., Yamawo A.* (2021) Functional roles of ants in a temperate grassland. The Science of Nature 108: 56.
Ohno M.*, Yamawo A.(2021) Night interruption provides evidence for photoperiodic regulation of bud burst in Japanese beech, Fagus crenata. Plant Signaling & Behavior.
Yamawo A.*, Suzuki N., Tagawa J. (2021) Species diversity and biological trait function: Effectiveness of ant-plant mutualism decreases as ant species diversity increases. Functional
Ecology, 35: 2012-2025.
Takahashi Y., Shiojiri K., Yamawo A.* (2021) Aboveground plant-to-plant communication reduces root nodule symbiosis and soil nutrient concentrations. Scientific Reports 11: 12675.
Pan X., Mizuno T.*, Ito K., Ohsugi T., Nishimichi S., Nomiya R., Ohno M., Yamawo A., Nakamura A. (2021) Assessing temporal dynamics of predation and effectiveness of caterpillar visual
defense using sawfly larval color and resting posture as a model. Insect Science, 28: 1800-1815.
Yamawo A.*, Mukai H. (2020) Outcome of interspecific competition depends on genotype of conspecific neighbours. Oecologia, 193: 415-423.
Ohsaki H.*, Mukai H., Yamawo A.* (2020) Biochemical recognition in seeds: Germination of Rumex obtusifolius is promoted by leaves of facilitative adult conspecifics . Plant
Species Biology, 35: 233-242. 陸奥新報、日本農業新聞 に取材していただきました。ありがとうございました。(プレスリリース)
Ohtsuka S., Hada Y., Nakamura K., Yamawo A*., Tagawa J. (2020) Seed dispersal by the omnivorous ant Tetramorium tsushimae Emery (Formicidae) in three common weed species.
Arthropod-Plant Interactions, 14: 251-261.
Yamawo A.*, Ohsaki H., Cahill Jr, JF. (2019) Damage to leaf veins suppresses root foraging precision. American Journal of Botany, 106: 1126-1130. Editor's choice 陸奥新報、財経新聞、Botany oneで紹介して頂きました。ありがとうございました。(プレスリリース)
Yamawo A.*, Suzuki N., Tagawa J. (2019) Extrafloral nectary-bearing plant Mallotus japonicus uses different types of extrafloral nectaries to establish effective defense by
ants. Journal of Plant Research, 132: 499-507. Best Paper Awardに選出していただき、オープンアクセスにしていただきました。ありがとうございました。
Takigahira H., Yamawo A.* (2019) Competitive responses based on kin-discrimination underlie variations in leaf functional traits in Japanese beech (Fagus crenata) seedlings.
Evolutionary Ecology, 33: 521-531.
Sato M., Ohsaki H., Fukano Y., Yamawo A.* (2018) Self-discrimination in vine tendrils of different plant families. Plant Signaling & Behavior, e1451710.
Yamawo A.*, Suzuki N. (2018) Induction and relaxation of extrafloral nectaries in response to simulated herbivory in young Mallotus japonicus plants. Journal of Plant
Research, 131: 255-260.
Yamawo A.*, Sato M., Mukai H. (2017) Experimental evidence for benefit of self discrimination in roots of a clonal plant. AoB PLANTS, 9: plx049. Botany one
Suetsugu K.*, Shitara T., Yamawo A. (2017) Seed dispersal by ants in the fully mycoheterotrophic plant Sciapila secundiflora (Triuridaceae). Journal of Asia-Pacific
Entomology, 20: 914-917.
Yamawo A.*, Mukai H. (2017) Seeds integrate biological information about conspecific and allospecific neighbours. Proceedings of the Royal Society B., 284: 1857.
東奥日報、陸奥新報、朝日新聞、マイナビNews、子供の科学、academist Journal、りそなーれ誌で紹介して頂きました。ありがとうございました。(プレスリリース)
Shirahama S., Yamawo A., Tokuda M.* (2017) Dimorphism in the production of leaf trichomes in Persicaria lapathifolia (Polygonaceae) and their multiple defensive effects against
herbivores insects. Arthropod-Plant Interactions, 11: 683-690.
Yamawo A.*, Suzuki N. (2017) Concentration and retention of chlorophyll around the extrafloral nectary of Mallotus japonicus. Ecology and Evolution, 7: 3987-3991.
Yamawo A.*, Hada Y., Tagawa J. (2017) Aggressiveness of ants attracted to the extrafloral nectary bearing plant, Mallotus japonicus, and temporal fluctuations in their abundance.
Entomological Science, 20: 150-155.
Yamawo A.*, Tagawa J. (2016) Leaf damage affects on leaf expansion timing in Mallotus japonicus (Euphorbiaceae). Plant Species Biology, 31: 141-147.
Fukano Y., Yamawo A.*(equal contribution) (2015) Self-discrimination in the tendrils of the vine Cayratia japonica is mediated by physiological connection. Proceedings of the
Royal Society B., 282: 20151379. 陸奥新報、東奥日報、毎日新聞、子供の科学、New Scientist 60 Seconds News、グリーンパワーで紹介して頂きました。ありがとうございました。(プレスリリース)
Yamawo A.* (2015) Extrafloral nectaries of Melia azedarach (Meliaceae): The first record for Genus Melia. The Journal of Japanese Botany, 90: 404-406.
Tanaka K., Ogata K., Mukai H., Yamawo A., Tokuda M. (2015) Adaptive advantage of myrmecochory in the ant-dispersed herb Lamium amplexicaule L. (Lamiaceae): Predation avoidance
through the deterrence of postdispersal seed predators. Plos one, 10: e0133677.
Yamawo A., Tokuda M., Katayama N., Yahara T., Tagawa J. (2015) Ant-attendance in extrafloral nectar-bearing plants promotes growth and decreases the expression of traits related to direct
defenses. Evolutionary Biology, 42: 191-198. グリーンパワーで紹介して頂きました。ありがとうございました。
Tanaka K.*, Yamawo A., Yano O. (2015) Seed dispersal by ants in Carex oxyandra var. oxyandra (Cyperaceae) from Japan. The Journal of Japanese Botany, 90:
Yamawo A.* (2015) Relatedness of neighboring plants alters the expression of indirect defense traits in an extrafloral nectary-bearing plant. Evolutionary Biology, 42: 12-19.
Yamawo A*, Tagawa J., Hada Y., Suzuki N. (2014) Different combinations of multiple defence traits in an extrafloral nectary-bearing plant growing under various habitat conditions. Journal
of Ecology, 102: 238-247.
Yamawo A*, Tagawa J., Suzuki N. (2014) Two Mallotus species of different life histories adopt different defense strategies in relation to leaf age. Plant Species Biology, 29:
Yamawo A*, Suzuki N, Tagawa J, Hada Y. (2012) Leaf ageing promotes the shift in defence tactics in Mallotus japonicus from direct to indirect defence. Journal of Ecology,
100: 802-809.
Yamawo A*, Katayama N, Suzuki N, Hada Y. (2012) Plasticity in the expression of direct and indirect defence traits of young plants of Mallotus japonicus in relation to soil
nutritional conditions. Plant Ecology, 213: 127-132.
Yamawo A*, Hada Y, Suzuki N. (2012) Variations in direct and indirect defenses against herbivores on young plants of Mallotus japonicus in relation to soil moisture conditions.
Journal of Plant Research, 125: 71-76.
Yamawo A*, Hada Y. (2010) Effects of light on direct and indirect defences against herbivores of young plants of Mallotus japonicus demonstrate a trade-off between two indirect defence
traits. Annals of Botany 106: 143-148.
Yamamichi M., Kyogoku D., Iritani R., Kobayashi K., Takahashi Y., Tsurui-Sato K., Yamawo A., Dobata S., Tsuji K., Kondoh M. (2020) Intraspecific adaptation load: a mechanism for species
coexistence. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 35: 897-907. 陸奥新報、東奥日報、財経新聞、ナゾロジー で紹介して頂きました。ありがとうございました。(プレスリリース)
Yamawo A. (2017) Plasticity and efficacy of defense strategies against herbivory in ant-visited plants growing in variable abiotic conditions. In Ant-Plant Interactions Impacts of Humans on
Terrestrial Ecosystems. (eds. Paulo S. Oliveira & Suzanne Koptur) Cambridge University Press.
Yamawo A.*, Tokuda M. (2015) Extrafloral nectar production and plant defense strategies. In Nectar: production, chemical composition and benefits to animal and plants. (ed. Robin L. Peck.)
Nova science publishers.pp. 59-76.
Mukai H., Takanashi T., Yamawo A. (2022) Hierarchical multimodal signals in the courtship displays of jewel bugs. The Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America, 103: e01982.